TFworkshop with the TFKable Group at the PSEW Conference, 2018

The next Offshore Wind Energy Market conference in Poland on will take place on 06 to 08 November 2018 in Serock; organized by the Polish Wind Energy Association (PSEW).
This year's meeting will be an opportunity to get acquainted with a wide range of discussion topics, including the potential of offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea, future developments of the Baltic marine network, applicable regulations, also the financing for Polish wind farms. Grouped sessions are planned for each of the above topics, in which the participants will be able to undertake a broader discussion, and most importantly to exchange knowledge. The TFKable Group, successfully delivering specialist cable systems to the global offshore market for many years, will have the opportunity to conduct a business networking session for the first time, i.e. the TFworkshop.
„"TFworkshop - TFKable Group’s dedicated workshops for the exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices in the offshore industry. During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the most important offshore projects implemented by TFKable Group, the result of which nearly 3000 km of inter-array cables were delivered in accordance with the principle of achieving Zero Failures is Possible." – says Wojtek Skoczylas, Sales Director, TFKable Group
Organized by TFKable Group, the TFworkshop has been structured on three themed blocks that discuss the most important events in the offshore industry in global terms. At the same time, their multi-themed presentation will familiarize participants with the strategy of diversification in technology and production potential at the TFKable Group level, ensuring the most effective solutions utilising the latest trends in the offshore industry, offering comprehensive support for the offshore wind projects.
"It is worth emphasizing that the TFKable Group's continued development strategy has enabled us to engage in over 60 investment projects implemented in various regions of the world, manufacturing and supplying cables to strategic infrastructure wind farms including: Greater Gabbard 2010, London Array 2012, Nordsee One 2015 and Hornsea 2017. With the addition of British company JDR Cable Systems to the TFKable Group in 2017, our competence in the design and manufacture of complex offshore solutions due to the increased demand for productivity and offshore technology has been extended to include technical services, as a result we have delivered cables and accessories for the next generation of wind farm projects: Beatrice Project 2017, Aberdeen Bay (EOWDC) project 2017 and currently FORMOSA 1 project 2018. "- adds Piotr Mirek, Vice President of Operations, TFKable Group
It is also worth noting that the TFKable Group is a proven offshore supplier for over 10 years, the specialized product range includes cables and wires of low voltage EPR insulation, also medium and high voltage XLPE insulation constructions, plus bespoke control/optical cables for the transmission of data and security applications, including inter array cables supplied jointly with JDR Cable Systems.
The TFworkshop agenda includes in Part I issues related to the harmonisation of production potential for the implementation of offshore projects and designing cable construction solutions; the optimization of production and implementation costs. Part II will present experience in the implementation of major projects in the industry also current trends in the offshore industry along with further development product capabilities, while Part III will focus on the introduction of protocols related to meeting the global quality requirements for both production and delivery, as well as work and production safety initiatives implemented by the TFKable Group through two programs: Think Quality and Think Safety.
TFworkshop is scheduled for November 7th 2018, from 11.00 to 13.00
Wojtek Skoczylas – Sales Director, TFKable Group, Leszek Resner – Opera????onal Manager, Bydgoszcz Plant, TFKable Group and Jarosław Mikołajczak – Director of Tenders, Bydgoszcz Plant, TFKable Group, they will conduct a business networking session, the TFworkshop - TFKable Group.
The adopted program of the XIII PEW Conference, 2018 will concentrate on issues related to the Wind Energy Market in Poland. In addition, the program includes lectures and discussion panels related to the energy market architecture, Amendment to the RES Act, RES auctions in 2018, turbine modernization, balancing market reform and a code of good practice.
Learn more: http://konferencjapsew.pl