- Baner

Aluminium cables of AL type, based on PN-EN 50182.

They are made of twisted aligned hard aluminium wires in species of EN AW-1350 or EN AW-1370. In view of the relatively low strength-to-weight ratio, their use is strongly limited by the maximum distance between the pillars. Therefore, these cables are most often used in urban areas where there are small distances between the supporting structures, and it is desirable to use high conductivity. Good corrosion resistance is a large advantage of these products, and for this reason they are hung in areas exposed to atmospheric conditions, e.g. in coastal areas.

Products safety data sheet:

AL (AAC) cables based on PN-EN 50182 MT-18-01-16


All information contained in this document, including the tables and drawings, are provided for information only and not a commercial offer; nor may it constitute the basis for pursuing any claim against TELE-FONIKA Kable S.A.




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